Each year emergency procedures are reviewed in our school and practice drills must be run. We have had two successful fire drills with our Forest Glen Falcons soaring to success. On Thursday, October 1st, we will be practicing our first Lockdown/Intruder Drill of the year. For this drill we announce “This is a lockdown” over the PA system. Under the guidance of their teacher, students move as a group to a designated spot in their classroom and remain there until an “All clear” announcement is made over the PA system. Classroom teachers check that their classroom doors are closed and locked, and windows are covered as instructed. We encourage all students to express their feelings and to ask questions if they are feeling uncomfortable or if they are wondering about situations that might arise. Just like fire drills, it is important for us to practice this procedure so that everyone knows what to do. We know that Forest Glen Falcons will soar with this drill too!