In an effort to reduce paper, Forest Glen hot lunch order forms will only be available on-line using School Day. An invitation letter was sent to all families new to School Day with the ‘first day of school package’.  This letter included a student secure-match key that is needed to set up a new student account.  Please contact the school office if you need another copy of the letter or require help to set up a School Day account.

Hot lunches for October 14 to November 14, 2016 are available to order through School Day.  Please click on the ‘products’ tab on the school day dashboard to see a listing of all hot lunches available.  Orders are due by Friday, October 7, 2016.  No late orders can be accepted.  If you are sending cash or a cheque to pay for your order, it must be received by October 7 otherwise your order cannot be processed.

There are no refunds for students who are absent. A sibling or parent can pick up a lunch for an absent student (must be picked up at the start of second nutrition break).