Safe Welcome begins Wed., Oct. 1st

Our Safe Welcome program begins on Oct 1st.  A letter was sent home on Friday with information regarding the locking of all school doors.  Please see the link below for a copy of the letter. Safe Welcome letter parents

Child Health Fair

Please see the flyer below for information on a Child Health Fair being held at Wellesley Public School on October 16 from 3:30 to 7:30. CHF_Flyer_-_Wellesley_PS-_October_2014

Core Values

Along with our new mission statement, we have also introduced a set of Core Values for our school.  These are; Learning, Respect and Responsibility.  The link below will take you to the poster we have in every room, further defining what each core value means. P228360 Forest Glen 11×17

Joining Forces to Fight Cancer

This year Forest Glen Public School is pleased to announce that we will be conducting a joint fundraising event to fight cancer.  We will be hosting our 10th annual Toonies for Terry event and POGO (Pediatric Oncology Group Ontario) on Friday, September 26, 2014. All monies raised through our event will be forwarded to The […]

School Council Meeting – Sept 22

Our first School Council meeting is on Sept 22, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.  All interested parents are invited to attend.  We meet in the Library.  Hope to see you there.  Below is a link to our agenda.. Brief Agenda School Council Sept 22 2014-15 2

Meet the Staff Open House

Hope to see you tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 9 for our annual open house.  The school and classrooms will be open form 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.  We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Welcome Back

We hope that you have had a great summer and are eagerly anticipating the  start to another great school year.  We are looking forward to seeing all of our returning students and meeting all of our new students. As we begin the year, we would like to introduce our new mission statement.  It is, “Forest […]

June Newsletter

Please find attached our last newsletter of the year.  We hope everyone has a safe and happy summer. June2014

Fun Fair tonight

Our Fun Fair is on tonight rain or shine.  3:30 – 7:30.  Lots of fun activities, baked goods, marketplace, food and raffle.  Hope to see you there.

Track and Field Refunds

Due to the cancellation of our  Junior and Intermediate Track and Field meet at Seagram Staduium on May 13, students will be provided with a refund, starting today.  Teachers will be returning the $4 to students and recording that the fee for transportation was refunded.  Any students who participated or will be participating in the County […]

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